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House of Representatives in the US approves sanctions against the International Criminal Court.

After the ICC received a request for a warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu's arrest, Republicans have responded, aiming to send a message opposing what they consider to be the court's "unfounded" actions.

Wants to take action against the ICC: Mike Johnson, Speaker of the US House of Representatives
Wants to take action against the ICC: Mike Johnson, Speaker of the US House of Representatives

Response to judicial ruling - House of Representatives in the US approves sanctions against the International Criminal Court.

The US House of Representatives recently voted for a bill suggesting sanctions against members of the International Criminal Court (ICC) after a warrant was requested for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Mike Johnson, the chairman of the Republican-majority House of Representatives, stated on Tuesday that this vote demonstrates the US's unwavering support for Israel. Although this bill is considered largely symbolic since it has no chance of passing in the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats, it does emphasize the US's stance against international officials issuing arrest warrants for false charges against high-ranking Israeli politicians.

Doubts over the bill's success in the Senate

The outcome of the vote also highlights the US's opposition to "international bureaucrats" bringing charges against Israeli leaders for claims of human rights violations. It is unlikely that this legislation will be approved by the Senate, considering its Democratic control.

On May 20, ICC prosecutor Karim Khan requested arrest warrants for Netanyahu, his defense minister Yoav Gallant, and the leaders of the militant Palestinian group Hamas. These arrest warrants were demanded under charges of alleged crimes against humanity and possible war crimes. The US administration vehemently criticized the prosecutor's request for warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant, with President Biden labeling it "outrageous."

The US government does not support sanctions imposed on the ICC or its personnel, judges, or supporters. Despite expressing concern over the chief prosecutor's rushed decision to request warrants against Israeli officials, the White House stated on Monday that they "reject the imposition of sanctions against the International Criminal Court, its personnel, its judges, or those who support its work."

If Netanyahu and Gallant were to be issued arrest warrants by a panel of judges, they could potentially face legal challenges whenever they traveled outside of their home country, like in the EU. However, the US, Israel's main ally, is notably not part of the ICC.

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