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He shatters the aspirations of every Spice Girls supporter.

David Beckham speaks out against speculations of a Spice Girls reunion and sheds light on Victoria not returning to the group.

David and Victoria Beckham have been married since 1999.
David and Victoria Beckham have been married since 1999.

Former football star David Beckham. - He shatters the aspirations of every Spice Girls supporter.

David Beckham, aged 49, recently cast doubt over the prospects of a Spice Girls reunion. During a recent conversation with Variety, he dismissed claims that the girl group, comprising his spouse Victoria Beckham (age 50), intends to go on tour together again in the future. "Unfortunately, that's not going to occur," he clarified.

Beckham went on to elaborate on the reasons for their potential inability to embark on a new tour. They are simply too preoccupied at present, he noted. These five musicians previously gathered for Victoria's 50th birthday celebration in April. "Victoria was thrilled to see the girls," Beckham shared. According to him, they were a formative force in their lives, but now, "each of them has their own commitments." He did mention, however, that "they might do certain things together at certain times."

An Unforgettable Birthday Surprise

Although they're not organizing a full-scale tour, the Spice Girls provided fans with a thrilling experience during Victoria's 50th birthday. On the day, the group, including Victoria, Melanie "Mel C" Chisholm (age 50), Emma Bunton (age 48), Geri Halliwell (age 51), and Melanie "Mel B" Brown (age 49) had an on-stage reunion. Beckham, the proud husband, posted the heartwarming moment on social media. In the video, the five singers reenacted the moves from their iconic "Stop" music video. "I guess that's what people are hoping for, but honestly, I was the most excited," he confessed to Variety. It was a privilege to witness "all the girls in one room" - not to mention sharing the stage with them.

The Spice Girls haven't shared a stage for over 15 years. They've enjoyed tremendous success as a group, with a string of chart-topping hits in the '90s, including "Wannabe." They took a break in 2000 but returned in 2007 for a successful world tour. Their career rekindled in 2012 when they made a memorable appearance at the Olympics in London with a rendition of "Wannabe" and "Spice Up Your Life." In 2019, they reunited for a concert tour in the UK and Ireland, with the exception of Victoria Beckham.

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