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Haley receives strong support in election campaign

Nikki Haley wants to become US President. The Republican has been steadily working her way up the polls in recent weeks. She is now receiving a great deal of political and financial support.

With poll ratings in the low single digits, she was initially considered to have little chance
With poll ratings in the low single digits, she was initially considered to have little chance of winning. In recent weeks, however, she has made significant gains in the polls: Nikki

Haley receives strong support in election campaign

US Republican Nikki Haley has received a significant boost in the election campaign for her party's presidential candidacy. The influential organization Americans for Prosperity, which was founded by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, announced its support for the former US ambassador to the United Nations on Tuesday. This provides the 51-year-old with considerable organizational and financial support, which could give her a further boost.

Haley announced her presidential candidacy in February. With poll ratings in the low single digits, she was initially considered to have little chance of winning. In recent weeks, however, she has made significant gains in the polls and caught up with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who was still considered the most promising internal rival to former President Donald Trump at the start of the race. Trump is far ahead in the Republican field of candidates.

For the Democrats, incumbent President Joe Biden is running for another term in office. In order to become a presidential candidate, the candidates must first prevail in their own party's primaries, which begin in January. The actual presidential election will then take place at the beginning of November 2024.

First she should defeat Trump, then Biden

The statement from Americans for Prosperity, an organization with considerable financial resources and a large network across the country, said that Trump and Biden would only continue the political downward spiral. "Besides, a clear majority of voters want someone new." Haley is in the best position to beat Trump in the primaries, then defeat Biden and open a new political chapter for the country.

The staunchly conservative Koch brothers had made a fortune with an empire of oil pipelines, cattle ranches, paper and fertilizer manufacturers and technology companies. They used their money to influence politics in the USA for decades. They pumped large sums into political movements, conservative Republican candidates and think tanks in order to strengthen the right-wing fringe in the USA. As a result, the Kochs are also regarded as pioneers of the right-wing Tea Party movement within the Republican Party. David Koch died in 2019 at the age of 79. Charles Koch is 88 years old.

  1. Nikki Haley's presidential campaign received a significant boost with the announcement of support from Americans for Prosperity, a organization founded by the influential Koch brothers.
  2. Despite Donald Trump's lead in the Republican field, Nikki Haley has been gaining ground in the polls, in part due to the financial and organizational support from organizations like Americans for Prosperity.
  3. Criticizing both Trump and Biden, Haley has gained support from conservative groups like Americans for Prosperity, arguing that she is the best candidate to break the political status quo and open a new chapter for the country.


