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Gianna Nannini enjoys stirring controversy.

"Born in 1983, genderless since birth"

Allegedly only 41: Gianna Nannini.
Allegedly only 41: Gianna Nannini.

Gianna Nannini enjoys stirring controversy.

Not many Italian rock singers have achieved international fame, but one who has is Gianna Nannini - and she's not just well-known for that. Turning 70, Nannini’s presence in Italy and internationally is everywhere. Currently, she's giving interviews, releasing her new album "Sei nel l'anima," starring in a Netflix film about her younger years and planning a German tour in November (with shows in Munich, Frankfurt, and Berlin). Can she still do it at 70? Yes, Nannini says, because she considers herself to be just 41 years old - having been "reborn" in 1983.

She jokingly calls it the 1983 generation. According to her, the Italian-Rock singer was born again because she overcame a serious personal crisis. In 1979, she had her first significant success with the album "California," containing the hit song "America." The Statue of Liberty held a vibrator instead of a torch in the cover image, and the song addresses female satisfaction. A European hit ensued, making her a star. However, the following year, in 1982, she released "Latin Lover," again captivating fans worldwide.

She collapsed in 1983 as a result of her young success's pressure and her inability to identify with herself. She experienced madness during this time, at a recording studio in Germany, where she had been working with producer Conny Plank. Somehow, Nannini managed to pull herself together and, a year later, released "Fotoromanza," the Italian summer hit of 1984. She later performed "Bello e impossibile," "I maschi," "Hey bionda," and the hymn of the 1990 Football World Championship by Giorgio Moroder, "Un'estate italiana."

Since starting her career, provocation has been a part of Nannini's life. Raised in Siena, Tuscany, she had frequent conflicts with her conservative father due to her provocative nature. He initially banned singing lessons but eventually allowed them. Her conflicting relationship with him continued as he attempted to prevent her from using her family name on the controversial "California" album.

Throughout her career, Nannini has enjoyed provoking. In 2010, at 50 years old, she made headlines by announcing she was going to become a mother for the first time, stirring a global sensation. In Italy, there was uproar - both over her late pregnancy and the joy it sparked during a low birth rate.

Nannini disregards conventions. However, she's open about her bisexuality and married her long-term partner in 2010. They used to live in London but now reside in Milan. "1983,” she says in her new song, “I was born in ‘83, without gender," emphasizing her unwillingness to belong to any specific category. Additionally, she values independence, a key part of her life and career.

In recent years, Nannini has been relatively quiet in the music industry. Since the turn of the millennium, a few albums have been released. However, she's now all-in on her brand-new album, "Sei nel l'anima," stating, "This is the best album I've ever sung. For me, it's flawless, and I'm completely convinced." Despite her years of touring, performing and giving it her all, she shows no signs of stopping. "I never stop!" she declares.

Nannini at a performance in 1983 - success and suffering were very close together for her back then.

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