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Gentges visits emergency accommodation for asylum seekers

Accommodation is scarce for incoming refugees. Offenburg created space in an exhibition hall for a few months. Now the minister responsible is visiting the site to find out more.

Baden-Württemberg's Migration Minister Marion Gentges during an interview.
Baden-Württemberg's Migration Minister Marion Gentges during an interview.

Refugee policy - Gentges visits emergency accommodation for asylum seekers

Migration Minister Marion Gentges (CDU) will visit the emergency accommodation for asylum seekers at the Offenburg exhibition center today (2 p.m.). According to the Freiburg Regional Council, space for up to 400 refugees was created there in October. The hall in the Ortenau district will therefore be available until the end of February.

According to an earlier announcement, the regional council was grateful that the city of Offenburg and the Ortenau district are supporting the initial reception. The Offenburg Exhibition Center was already temporarily available as an initial reception facility from October 2022.

Gentges told the daily newspaper "Schwäbische Zeitung" at the end of November that the state lacked a fixed 9,000 places for newly arriving refugees. New initial reception centers would therefore have to be built in the southwest in the coming years. The state currently operates ten initial reception centers. From there, people are distributed to smaller accommodation facilities, which are organized by districts and municipalities.

Facts and figures on refugees from the Ministry of Justice and Migration

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