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Gardening season brings higher slug and snail populations in 2024

Numerous inexperienced gardeners are complaining: It's difficult to protect any vegetable plant from wild animals nowadays. A blossom might offer some assistance.

A young nudibranch about two centimeters in size is feeding on a leaf.
A young nudibranch about two centimeters in size is feeding on a leaf.

The natural world's wonders - Gardening season brings higher slug and snail populations in 2024

During the night in Thuringia, small gardens are targeted by a surprising population of snails. These naked snails are creating quite a commotion, driving amateur gardeners up the wall. According to Bernd Reinboth, a regional expert from the Thuringia division of the Friends of the Garden, the issue is widespread. He shares his own struggles with the slithery creatures too. Reinboth attributes their activity to the weather—it's been wet and warm, making the snails more active this year.

If you're looking for ways to safeguard your strawberries and salad leaves from these voracious mollusks, there are several home remedies and methods available, says Reinboth, each with its own advantages and drawbacks. He recommends an alternative to using snail bait, which is toxic: gather and dispose of them. Tagetes, or marigolds, might offer a solution, too. According to Reinboth, snails are particularly fond of these flowers. "Planting them around the borders of your garden could potentially divert the snails from your vegetable plants," he suggests. While completely snail-free gardens might be an unattainable dream, it's worth remembering that these critters aren't just pests. The Nature Conservation Union's Thuringia branch asserts that snails should be viewed as helpers in the garden. They eat decomposing plant parts and dead animals, decompose plant remains, and aid in humus formation.

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