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Gamesforum is coming back to Hamburg! On June 11th, NORD EVENT Panoramadeck will become a site to a conference aimed at bringing all European companies interested in User Acquisition and Ad Monetization. The event will last two days, and will bring together experts in both of the upper mentioned fields to discuss both public and private topics. 

The conference will feature over 300 attendees, 150 companies and 100 speakers, including but not limited to Ezgi Godan, Ad Monetization Consultant at Spark Networks; Katerina Maliaran, Head of Ad Monetization at Burny Games; Gus Viegas, VP of Marketing at Cosmic Lounge and Elena Dimitrova, Marketing Creative Lead at Sandsoft Games. 

First day of the conference will be dedicated to User Acquisition with panels that would cover every stage of that meticulous process. Some of the panels will serve to inform the audience on new trends, as well as common strategies to boosting UA at pre-production and marketing stages. There will be a panel on successful global launch of games, hosted by Matej Lancaric, UA Consultant & Co-founder at two & a half gamers. There will also be a creative panel, which will touch upon topics of finding new ways of marketing the game to end users. The day will conclude with sponsor presentations and traditional industry networking, which may be a valuable opportunity for those who want to get into UA for games. 

Second day of the conference will cover Ad Monetization. The panels will cover topics such as merging monetization and user acquisition, state of mediation in ad monetization,  as well as predicting future user LTV and audience segmentation. Sunday will also hold a panel discussing their experience in ad monetization and how it stimulated their company’s growth. Similarly to Day 1, Day 2 will conclude with sponsor presentations and networking, with majority of guests today being relevant to the ad monetization segment of the market. 

To tie both days in thematically, each day will have a Gamesforum: Unfiltered panel, in which speakers will go completely off the record just at this conference and talk about their hottest takes, industry secrets, and taboo topics that they will not be able to discuss anywhere else. These panels shall present primary interest to those interested in getting into the meat of what the games industry is about and how do things work behind closed doors. 

Sponsors of the event will include the likes of Unity, AppSamurai, Adjust and Audiomob. Focus of the event will be predominantly mobile games with many of the participants being experts of that gaming industry field. The event will not be extremely massive, but every guest at Gamesforum will come with loads of industry baggage to share.

Alex Bilyi

