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G7 summit: The United States and Ukraine are aiming to finalize a security deal.

Road towards joining NATO

Joe Biden and Volodymyr Selensky at a meeting in Paris.
Joe Biden and Volodymyr Selensky at a meeting in Paris.

G7 summit: The United States and Ukraine are aiming to finalize a security deal.

President Joe Biden and Ukraine's leader, Volodymyr Zelensky, intend to sign a security pact between their nations during the G7 summit in Italy, as revealed by Jake Sullivan, Biden's national security adviser. He made this revelation to reporters on Wednesday during his flight to Italy. A total of 15 countries have previously signed similar agreements with Ukraine. The negotiations between Washington and Kiev are said to be over, according to Sullivan.

Sullivan didn't share any information on the actual content of the agreement. However, he made it clear that it wouldn't involve a promise to deploy American troops for Ukraine's defense. Instead, it'd be a pledge to help Ukraine safeguard itself.

Furthermore, he suggested that the agreement would mention the U.S. government's intent to collaborate with Congress to find a stable way to support Ukraine financially. He didn't share more details but underlined that no specific figures would be mentioned in the agreement. There had been resistance from Republican lawmakers in Congress regarding new financial aid for Ukraine for a significant period.

Sullivan referred to the agreement as a "bridge" toward the possibility of Ukraine becoming a member of NATO. "This bridge consists of helping Ukraine develop the required security measures to protect itself, preserve its nationhood, and uphold its territorial boundary. By signing, we'll also convey our resolve to Russia." If Putin believes his power surpasses the might of Ukraine's allies, he's mistaken. Biden's administration reaffirmed its continued support for Ukraine with this agreement.

Sullivan also mentioned that the agreement wouldn't entail any assurances about providing specific weapon systems. Instead, it'd focus on setting up a cooperation scheme between Ukraine and the U.S. No comments were made, either, on a news report suggesting the U.S. would give Ukraine another Patriot air defense system to better defend against Russian air incursions. Providing Ukraine with more air defense systems is one of Biden's top priorities. The administration will inform the public if there's any updates on this issue.

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