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G7 draft urges China to halt provision of military equipment to Russia

The G7 nations are urging China to halt its backing of Russia's arms sector. According to a leaked version of the G7 meeting's conclusion statement in Italy, China is requested to prevent the export of "dual-use materials, including weapon parts and equipment". The G7 also warns of implementing...

Participants at the G7 summit
Participants at the G7 summit

G7 draft urges China to halt provision of military equipment to Russia

"China's unceasing backing for the Russian weapons sector permits Russia to 'carry on its illegal war in Ukraine,' says the proposed closing statement. These actions carry 'severe and far-reaching implications for security.'

The G7 voices 'deep worry' about China's actions in the South China Sea, as stated in the draft statement. This group of major industrialized nations reaffirms its 'unwavering opposition' to any attempts to alter the status quo through force or intimidation. The deployment of China's Coast Guard and Navy in the South China Sea is called out, along with 'repeated hindrances to the freedom of navigation at sea by China.' "

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