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Frenchman Detained in Moscow Custody

Russia's aggressive war.

The German government blames Russia for a hacker attack on the SPD headquarters.
The German government blames Russia for a hacker attack on the SPD headquarters.

Frenchman Detained in Moscow Custody

A French political analyst will stay in pretrial detention until August 5 due to a judge's decision, reports Tass news agency. The man, affiliated with a Swiss nongovernmental organization, is accused of gathering information about Russian military and weapons technology.

He admitted in court that he hadn't registered as a "foreign agent" while gathering data over the years, which is required by Russian law. This omission can result in up to five years of imprisonment or forced labor.

The Swiss organization he works for focuses on resolving international conflicts and engaging in quiet diplomacy. This situation could be seen in the context of two ongoing battles: Russia is excluded from an upcoming Swiss-organized peace conference for Ukraine, and France has been attempting to lead European resistance to Russia's war effort.

There's an escalation of tensions between Moscow and Paris. Recently, Russia has been detaining foreigners and using them as bargaining chips in potential exchange deals. The "foreign agents" law, which requires registration for organizations and individuals financed wholly or partially from abroad, is used to discredit critics and restrict their interactions within the country.

Read also:

  1. Despite the Frenchman's affiliation with a Swiss organization accused of gathering information about Russian military technology, Russia has expressed no intention of releasing him from pre-trial detention in Moscow, potentially using him as a bargaining chip in diplomatic negotiations.
  2. The arrest of the unregistered "foreign agent" Frenchman in Moscow has sparked concerns among human rights advocates, as it aligns with Russia's pattern of using war of aggression-related accusations to detain and imprison individuals who are critical of their policies.
  3. The ongoing pre-trial detention of the Frenchman in Russia adds yet another layer of complexity to the strained relations between Moscow and Europe, with France leading the European resistance to Russia's war efforts and Russia retaliating by detaining foreigners and using them as political leverage.



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