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Franz Müntefering considers mortality in a new way.

He desires to depart from the ecclesiastical institution.

Leaving the church is not that easy, but Müntefering is determined to do it before he dies.
Leaving the church is not that easy, but Müntefering is determined to do it before he dies.

Franz Müntefering considers mortality in a new way.

At 84 years old and preparing for his 5th heart operation, Franz Müntefering, a former Vice Chancellor, is considering death for the first time. In his own words, he's never thought about it before. However, he's leaving the plans for his funeral to his wife. He's also reflecting on his departure from the church.

Franz Müntefering, once the head of SPD, is now contemplating mortality before his next heart surgery. When asked by Bild am Sonntag, he said, "I've never thought about death before." Assuring the doctors, "Please give me a little more time, I want to live a bit longer."

The retired federal minister and former Vice Chancellor has clear ideas about his death. "I want to be buried, not have my ashes scattered into the sea. It doesn't matter if it's in a coffin or an urn." His wife, Michelle, who is 40 years younger than him and has been married for almost 15 years, should decide where he will be laid to rest. "Either in Sundern, where I've lived for 50 years, in Sauerland, in Bonn, in Berlin, or in Herne." She'll also arrange any memorial speeches.

Before he passes, Müntefering wants to leave the Catholic Church. "It's not that straightforward. The church demands that I first apply to the state if I want to leave." The negotiations are ongoing. "Though it's clear to me, I'll officially leave the Catholic Church." Müntefering grew up Catholic, but no longer believes in God, creation, eternal life, or heaven. He's also distanced himself from the Catholic Church, which he once swore by saying "so help me God." He doesn't accept the church's claim to be a state within a state.

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