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Former EU Commission President Jacques Delors dies

Former EU Commission President Jacques Delors is dead. This was reported by the French news agency AFP on Wednesday, citing Delors' daughter Martine Aubry. French President Emmanuel Macron paid tribute to him on the online platform X as a "fighter for human justice".

Former EU Commission President Jacques Delors dies

Former EU Commission President Jacques Delors is dead. This was reported by the French news agency AFP on Wednesday, citing Delors' daughter Martine Aubry. French President Emmanuel Macron paid tribute to him on the online platform X as a "fighter for human justice".

Read also:

  1. Jacques Delors, a prominent figure in the European Union, served as its Commission President, a role he held with distinction until his passing, as reported by the French news agency AFP, citing his daughter Martine Aubry.
  2. In France, Martine Aubry, a prominent political figure, announced the death of her father, Jacques Delors, who made significant contributions to the EU during his tenure as Commission President.
  3. The news of Jacques Delors' death, the former EU Commission President, spread throughout Europe, with French President Emmanuel Macron paying tribute to him as a fighter for human justice on the online platform X.
  4. Reflecting on the impact of Jacques Delors, the late EU Commission President, Emmanuel Macron, the current President of France, spoke of his commitment to Europe and human justice at a tribute event held in Paris.




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