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Foreign Minister: Volcanic eruption inspires awe

Lava has been gushing out of a kilometer-long fissure near the Icelandic town of Grindavík since Monday evening. The eruption had been a long time coming - and it could last even longer.

Scientists from the University of Iceland take measurements and samples.
Scientists from the University of Iceland take measurements and samples.

Volcanoes - Foreign Minister: Volcanic eruption inspires awe

According to Foreign Minister Bjarni Benediktsson, the volcanic eruption in Iceland could last even longer. "Fortunately, there is no danger to life at the moment. The airport is open," he told the British television station Sky News on Tuesday evening. The Icelandic Meteorological Office announced during the night that there was a risk of further vents opening up along the fissure. Overall, however, the eruptions had weakened.

A volcanic eruption occurred in the southwest of Iceland on Tuesday night, after the port town of Grindavík had already been evacuated a few weeks ago as a precautionary measure. During the course of the night, a kilometer-long fissure formed, from which around 100 to 200 cubic meters of lava flowed per second. According to eyewitness reports, the lava shot up 200 meters at the beginning of the eruption. The lava fountains are now no longer as high.

The eruption southwest of the Icelandic capital Reykjavík had been a long time coming. A series of earthquakes had been measured in the area since October. Such earthquakes have also heralded volcanic eruptions in the past. However, seismic activity had recently decreased again. Residents were allowed back into their homes during the day, but were not allowed to stay overnight. The Blue Lagoon geothermal baths, which are extremely popular with tourists, were also reopened at the weekend following a temporary closure.

Gases currently pose no danger

These things are unpredictable, Benediktsson said about the eruption on Monday. However, the lava is not flowing towards the city. "We were worried about the infrastructure," he said. There is an important power plant there, but they had already erected a protective barrier in recent weeks. He was also asked about gas rising from the volcanic eruption. This currently poses no danger to the population because the wind is good. "But we are monitoring it closely."

It is unclear what will happen next. "I'm not a scientist, but they tell us that it could go on for weeks or possibly months," Benediktsson told the TV station. The outbreak is bigger than the ones they have experienced in the past three years. They now hoped that the lava flow would slow down, cool down and stop so that people could return as soon as possible, but that would not happen before Christmas.

Eruptions "incredibly beautiful"

Pictures from Iceland showed red masses of lava making their way. You don't get used to these eruptions, Benediktsson said in the interview. "We also find them incredibly beautiful. And you are in awe when you see the earth opening up and the fire and smoke rising."

The volcanic eruption near Grindavík is the fourth in the past three years on the Reykjanes Peninsula. Just this summer, a fissure opened up in the area and lava spewed out of it. The natural spectacle attracted many onlookers.

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