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Flooding threat looms over vast areas in Saxony this weekend.

Heavy rainfall could soon hit Saxony, leading to possible overflowing of rivers and streams, as cautioned by the State Environmental Agency.

Das Wasser des Rheins steht hoch und nahe am Ufer bei den Häusern.
Das Wasser des Rheins steht hoch und nahe am Ufer bei den Häusern.

Weather disturbance triggers heavy downpours - Flooding threat looms over vast areas in Saxony this weekend.

Everyone in Saxony should get ready for potential flooding this weekend, as per the State Environment Agency's predictions. The Agency for Environment, Agriculture, and Geology issued a warning on Wednesday for various parts of the state. The German Weather Service (DWD) feels that heavy rain may occur between noon on Friday and 3:00 pm on Sunday.

The areas likely to be submerged in water primarily include the southern and western parts of Saxony, specifically the Upper White Elster's river basin in Vogtland and the Mulde region. The Ore Mountains and its tributaries making up the upper Elbe may also be affected.

The State Agency has warned that alarm level 4, indicating the highest water levels, might arrive by Friday night or Saturday. They also mentioned that "if we get more than 100 liters of rain per square meter and strong rainfall intensity, the water levels could even surpass the highest alarm level 4."

A low-pressure area moving towards Poland is predicted to bring continuous downpours, sometimes accompanied by thunder, from Friday to Sunday. These rainfalls are projected to result in 50 to 120 liters per square meter, with some places getting as much as 150 liters in just 48 hours. However, the DWD has shared that there are still some uncertainties regarding the amount and spread of the rain.

Thus, as a preventive measure, the State Flood Control Center has activated the flood warning system for the Upper White Elster, the Mulde, and the Upper Elbe. The Agency explained that "depending on the actual rainfall experience, there's a possibility of a regional flood situation in Saxony. This could start from Saturday, first affecting the smaller mountain streams, then progressing to larger rivers."

Read also:

  1. The predictions from DWD suggest heavy rain might fall in Saxony from Friday to Sunday, potentially leading to flooding in regions like Vogtland and the Mulde region.
  2. Due to the expected flood risk, the State Environmental Agency has issued a warning and urged everyone in Saxony to prepare for potential flooding this weekend.
  3. Alarm level 4 could be reached by Friday night or Saturday, according to the State Environmental Agency, which indicates the highest water levels.
  4. On Friday to Sunday, continuous rain is forecasted to occur, accompanied by thunder in some areas, which could result in up to 150 liters of rain per square meter in certain parts of Saxony.
  5. As a precaution, the State Flood Control Center has activated the flood warning system for the Upper White Elster, the Mulde, and the Upper Elbe, as flood risk is high and could start affecting smaller mountain streams from Saturday.
  6. The upper Elbe's tributaries, including the Ore Mountains, are also at risk of flooding due to the heavy rain and continuous downpours.
  7. In response to the weather disturbance and flood risk, the State Environmental Agency in Saxony, DWD, and the State Flood Control Center are closely monitoring and updating the weather situation to ensure accurate information and preparation efforts.




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