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Fire extinguisher discharges into car - two people in hospital

A car is driving at a junction in Göppingen. Suddenly the interior fogs up. The occupants inhale the powder from a fire extinguisher. Two people have to go to hospital.

A fire extinguisher suddenly went off in a car in Göppingen. (symbolic photo)
A fire extinguisher suddenly went off in a car in Göppingen. (symbolic photo)

Göppingen - Fire extinguisher discharges into car - two people in hospital

In a car in Goppingen, a fire extinguisher suddenly discharged during the ride. Two passengers of the car were reportedly taken to a hospital precautionarily because they inhaled the powder from the fire extinguisher, said a police spokesperson. The driver also inhaled the powder but was able to be treated on site. The identities of the passengers who had to go to the hospital were unknown at the time.

The twelve kilogramme fire extinguisher was in the trunk. It was presumably caused to go off because the safety catch had come undone during the ride. In the middle of an intersection, the powder fire extinguisher had filled the entire interior of the car with smoke. The extent of the damage was initially unclear.

The car's fire extinguisher, located in the trunk, discharged due to an accidental release of the safety catch during traffic in Göppingen, Baden-Württemberg. This incident led to heavy smoke in the car, causing traffic disruption at an intersection. Despite the traffic-related accident, it's fortunate that everyone in the car had access to a fire extinguisher.

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