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Fewer and fewer lawyers in Saxony-Anhalt

Anyone who needs legal advice could soon have a hard time in some regions of Saxony-Anhalt. The number of self-employed lawyers is falling. The next generation is moving to the big cities. Attempts are now being made to introduce young lawyers to rural areas.

A figure of the blind
A figure of the blind

Fewer and fewer lawyers in Saxony-Anhalt

The number of lawyers in Saxony-Anhalt is steadily declining. A shortage of new lawyers is becoming apparent, particularly in rural regions, said Christian Lisec, Managing Director of the Saxony-Anhalt Bar Association, in Magdeburg. "There are actually only a lot of lawyers in Magdeburg and Halle, and most new lawyers are admitted here." In 2013, there were 1813 lawyers practising throughout the state, whereas there are currently just under 1500. There are few new registrations for lawyers leaving the profession. Lisec expects the trend to continue in the coming years.

The Bar Association is therefore holding regional conferences to encourage prospective lawyers to become self-employed - especially in rural areas, where there are only a few new registrations. According to Lisec, such an event is planned for this Wednesday at Stendal District Court. The city and surrounding area as well as the work there should be presented to the prospective lawyers. There are around 60 registrations from lawyers, students and trainee lawyers. According to Lisec, young lawyers who settle in rural areas are usually born or raised there.

The last regional conference of this kind took place in Bernburg in the Salzland district, according to the managing director and self-employed lawyer. According to Lisec, regional conferences such as those organized by the bar association in Saxony-Anhalt are unique in Germany.

According to Lisec, one example of the upcoming bottlenecks in rural areas is Genthin in Jerichower Land. Following the sudden death of a lawyer, there are currently six lawyers left there, most of whom are around 70 years old. If there is no new generation, Genthin could be without a lawyer in a few years' time. People seeking legal advice, whether in family matters or traffic disputes, would have to travel longer distances to other towns.

This is how Lisec sees it: A young lawyer works his way into the office of a prospective retiree, grows into it and then takes over completely. The managing director of the chamber emphasizes that the willingness is there among established lawyers.

However, Lisec has noticed a lack of willingness among young lawyers to take risks and become self-employed. "The willingness to take risks is declining overall." In addition, the opportunities in the civil service are good. The state offers graduates direct jobs. The wave of retirements among judges and public prosecutors is more pronounced in Saxony-Anhalt than in most eastern German states. According to the Association of Judges, the state will lose 390 of its currently active 810 judges and public prosecutors by 2033.

Nationwide, the number of lawyers has recently risen. The membership statistics of the German Federal Bar Association showed a figure of 169,388 at the beginning of 2023, compared to 167,085 in 2022 and exactly 167,092 in 2021.

The Bar Association's regional conferences aim to encourage new lawyers to establish practices in rural areas, where a shortage of legal professionals is evident, often due to a lack of local interest among young lawyers. Despite the declining risk-taking attitude among young lawyers, Lisec believes that the willingness among established lawyers to pass on their practices is strong.


