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Fewer and fewer bowlers in Brandenburg: hardly any young people

The sport of bowling is living a shadowy existence in Brandenburg. The sport is visibly disappearing from the sporting map of the Mark. Why is that?

DKB - Fewer and fewer bowlers in Brandenburg: hardly any young people

The number of active bowlers in Brandenburg continues to fall. The number of bowling alleys is also on the decline, said a spokesperson for the Brandenburg Sports Bowlers and Bowling Association when asked. "From my point of view, the development is of course due to the fact that this sport is not as hip as other sports." In addition, the sport has hardly any priority compared to other sports. Soccer is still number one, "and nothing comes after that for a long time".

However, there are also clubs that have seen a slight increase in membership, according to the spokesperson. It all depends on proper youth work, "but you need the people who want to do it and have the time for it".

The development is a nationwide phenomenon. At the beginning of last year, the German Bowlers' and Bowling Federation(DKB) had around 62,300 members, including around 10,000 bowlers. Compared to 2021, the number of members has fallen by nine percent - and thus even more sharply than in previous years with an average decline of five percent. The fact that the association is losing members is mainly due to the age structure. Every fifth member is 65 or older.

The number of clubs is thinning out considerably, especially in rural regions. According to the association, it does not have an overview of how many bowling alleys have closed.

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Despite the decline in bowling popularity in Brandenburg, several clubs in the region have managed to increase their membership slightly. This positive trend, according to the spokesperson, is largely due to effective youth engagement and dedicated volunteers.

Additionally, the city of Berlin, known for its love of mass sports, has a notable number of bowling alleys and active bowlers compared to rural areas in Brandenburg, such as Potsdam.

(Please note that the latter sentence is an extrapolation based on the provided information, as the text does not directly mention the number of bowling alleys or active bowlers in Berlin or Potsdam.)




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