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Fees increase in Hamburg on January 1

New year, new luck - this is not always the case with municipal fees in Hamburg. With the turn of the year, citizens have to dig deeper into their pockets in some areas.

Passers-by walk under umbrellas in drizzling rain in Hamburg.
Passers-by walk under umbrellas in drizzling rain in Hamburg.

Regulation - Fees increase in Hamburg on January 1

Against the backdrop of rising prices and new wage agreements, Hamburg residents will also have to accept increases in municipal fees in the new year. The Senate had already passed a corresponding ordinance at the beginning of December. This means that, for example, more will have to be paid for cleaning public roads, household waste disposal and the use of sewers. Drinking water will also become more expensive in Hamburg next year.

On average, the fee adjustments for municipal services are between three and ten percent, Finance Senator Andreas Dressel said after the Senate decision. "The Senate reviews the municipal fees annually to ensure that they cover costs. In particular, increased costs due to collective wage agreements and inflation must be taken into account for 2024." In areas where collective wage agreements have already been reached, the fee adjustment therefore tends to be around ten percent.

Homeowners, in front of whose properties the city cleaning service ensures tidiness and cleanliness according to the street directory, will have to pay 8.5 percent higher fees for cleaning from next year, which corresponds to an increase of nine euros per year for a street frontage of 15 meters with weekly cleaning. According to the information, an average Hamburg household in a multi-storey apartment will be charged 2.17 euros more per month for waste disposal. Here, the fees will rise by an average of 11.8 percent at the turn of the year.

For wastewater disposal, Hamburg will charge 2.31 euros per cubic meter instead of 2.19 euros - an increase of 5.5 percent. The discharge of rainwater will increase by around 5.3 percent from 76 to 80 cents per square meter of built-up, overbuilt or paved property area that is discharged into the sewer network.

According to Hamburg Wasser, water from the tap will cost EUR 2.09 per cubic meter from 1 January instead of EUR 1.98 including VAT - an increase of almost 5.6 percent.

Dressel also had a ray of hope for the new year: "It is pleasing that we have been able to keep the building and parking fees for citizens and businesses stable; there will be no increase on January 1, 2024."

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