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Farmers and Tennet conclude agreement

Numerous new power lines are needed to feed electricity from offshore wind power into the German power grid. The grid operator Tennet and the Landvolk have agreed on a basis for calculation in order to compensate farmers appropriately for the use of their land for the construction of new power...

Electricity grid expansion - Farmers and Tennet conclude agreement

Numerous new power lines are needed to feed electricity from offshore wind power into the German power grid. The grid operator Tennet and the Landvolk have agreed on a basis for calculation in order to compensate farmers appropriately for the use of their land for the construction of new power lines. Both sides concluded a "future agreement" in Hanover on Thursday. This is intended to ensure that grid expansion and agriculture are fully compatible, said Landvolk President Holger Hennies.

Tennet CEO Tim Meyerjürgens said that his company was particularly concerned about the appreciation of agricultural interests in grid expansion. The future agreement is the basis for planning and building power lines in harmony with agriculture in Lower Saxony.

"The agreement accelerates grid expansion and creates more security for landowners and farmers throughout Lower Saxony through common rules and standards for compensation for underground cables and overhead lines," said Lower Saxony's Environment and Energy Minister Christian Meyer (Greens). The Future Contract ensures the compatibility of grid expansion with agriculture in Lower Saxony and serves as a model for the federal and state governments.

PM Landvolk PM Tennet

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