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Faeser wants Islamic associations to take a clear stance

The Federal Minister of the Interior appeals to Muslim associations to take a clearer stance against hatred of Jews. They should take an active role in preventing anti-Semitic attitudes.

Also wants to make rising anti-Semitism a topic of the German Islam Conference: Nancy
Also wants to make rising anti-Semitism a topic of the German Islam Conference: Nancy

Faeser wants Islamic associations to take a clear stance

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser calls on Muslim associations to take a stronger stance against anti-Semitism ahead of the German Islam Conference.

"It is also the responsibility of the major Islamic associations in Germany to speak out loudly and clearly against hatred of Jews and hostility towards Israel - in Friday prayers, in their communities or on their own social media channels. The large Islamic associations must help to ensure that anti-Semitic resentment does not spread further," the SPD politician told the Funke Mediengruppe newspapers. Here, she said, she would like to see more clarity from some associations. "Right now, we need to make the rise in anti-Semitism a topic at the German Islam Conference."

"We are taking tough action against Islamists, not against Islam"

Faeser also made it clear, however, that Muslims in Germany should under no circumstances be "held liable for Islamist terror". "We are taking tough action against Islamists, not against Islam. This differentiation is of the utmost importance". Any generalization is wrong and leads to division and exclusion. "Such a false general suspicion leads to new hostility towards Muslims, which is also a major problem in our country and which we are addressing just as clearly at the German Islam Conference," the Minister announced.

Following the terrorist attacks by the Islamist Hamas in Israel on October 7 and anti-Semitic incidents in Germany, this year's Islam Conference on Tuesday and Wednesday is entitled "Social peace and democratic cohesion: combating anti-Semitism and hostility towards Muslims in times of social division". According to the program, Faeser will be joined by former Federal President Christian Wulff, Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) and the Federal Anti-Racism Commissioner, Reem Alabali-Radovan (SPD).


