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Faeser: "Lost one of the most important democrats"

With the death of Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany has lost "one of the most important democrats", according to Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD). Schäuble was "a great statesman", Faeser explained on Wednesday. "He embodied post-war democratic Germany like few others." As Federal...

Former Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble is dead.
Former Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble is dead.

Parties - Faeser: "Lost one of the most important democrats"

With the death of Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany has lost "one of the most important democrats", according to Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD). Schäuble was "a great statesman", Faeser explained on Wednesday. "He embodied post-war democratic Germany like few others." As Federal Minister of the Interior at the time, he was an architect of German unity. "His word carried great weight - as a minister, as President of the German Bundestag and in recent years beyond. He lived and worked with responsibility for our country - until the very end."

CDU politician Schäuble fell asleep peacefully at home with his family at around 8 p.m. on Tuesday evening. The family told the German Press Agency on Wednesday.

Read also:

  1. The loss of Wolfgang Schäuble, a prominent Democrat and former Federal Minister of the Interior, has been deeply felt by various political parties in Germany, with SPD's Nancy Faeser describing him as "one of the most important democrats."
  2. Faeser, speaking about Schäuble's passing, noted that he had a significant impact on Germany's democratic post-war era, serving as an architect of German unity while in office.
  3. In a heartfelt tribute, Faeser suggested that Schäuble's influence extended beyond his role as a minister, as the late politician also carried considerable weight as President of the German Bundestag and in more recent years.
  4. During his tenure, Schäuble worked diligently for the betterment of Germany, a dedicated public servant who never wavered in his commitment to the country, continuing until his passing at home with his family.
  5. As Germany mourns the loss of this great statesman and scholar, political leaders from various parties, including the SPD and CDU, have joined in extoling the virtues of Wolfgang Schäuble, expressing their gratitude for his unwavering dedication to the country and its democratic principles.




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