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Faeser after attack plans: Islamist scene in his sights

According to Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, the reaction to a possible attack plan by Islamists on Cologne Cathedral shows how seriously the security authorities take such threats. "We all love our Christmas traditions and will not be intimidated or restricted in our way of life," the...

Berlin - Faeser after attack plans: Islamist scene in his sights

According to Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, the reaction to a possible attack plan by Islamists on Cologne Cathedral shows how seriously the security authorities take such threats. "We all love our Christmas traditions and will not be intimidated or restricted in our way of life," the SPD politician told the Funke Mediengruppe. "But the same applies: we take the threat of Islamist terrorism very seriously and are extremely vigilant." The security authorities have the Islamist scene in their sights and are acting consistently. "This is also shown by the current measures."

Faeser said that the federal and state governments were using all police and intelligence resources to identify dangers at an early stage and follow up on every tip-off.

The police had increased security measures at Cologne Cathedral on Saturday due to indications of a possible attack plan by an Islamist group. Police officers searched the cathedral on Saturday evening. According to dpa information from security circles, the explosives sniffer dogs found nothing. The police also announced that they would be checking all visitors on Christmas Eve.

Police statement

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