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Extremely heavy rainfall in a single day compared to the entire monthly average.

In recent days, Saxony-Anhalt has experienced varying rainfall. Some areas received more rain than they normally would in an entire month.

Light rain falls in the early morning near a spoil tip in Allstedt.
Light rain falls in the early morning near a spoil tip in Allstedt.

Metrological Conditions - Extremely heavy rainfall in a single day compared to the entire monthly average.

In the Lindstedterhorst neighborhood of Gardelegen, rainfall surpassed the entire month's average for May in just 24 hours. The German Weather Service announced on Sunday that 71.2 liters of rain per square meter were measured from Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to Friday, 8:00 a.m. The average rainfall for May is typically just 49 liters. Previously, the highest 24-hour rainfall in 1970 was recorded as 65.1 liters, but during that time the station wasn't continuously monitored.

In this instance, significant rainfall was recorded in Stendal with 50.5 liters, Tangerhütte-Windberge with 42 liters, Bad Lauchstädt with 40.7 liters, and Westheide-Born in the Börde district with 37.7 liters in 24 hours.

From Friday, 8:00 a.m. till Sunday, 8:00 a.m., there was either minimal or no precipitation in many areas of Saxony-Anhalt, including Stendal and Tangerhütte, reported the German Weather Service. However, some places experienced heavy rainfall. Approximately 50 liters of rain per square meter were measured in Weißenfels-Wengelsdorf of Burgenlandkreis from Saturday to Sunday. The August 2021 record of 68.3 liters was not broken.

Magdeburg experienced significant rainfall during both the Thursday-Friday and Saturday-Sunday periods. The initial rainfall amounted to around 30 liters per square meter, followed by an additional 20 liters.

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