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Expected Decisions in Trial of Appeal for Nice Attack

After around eight years since a likely Islamist-inspired terrorist attack in Nice resulted in the deaths of 86 individuals, judgments regarding two men assumed to have supported the attacker will be issued during an appeal trial in Paris on Thursday. These individuals were originally seen as...

View of the Justitia above the entrance to a district court.
View of the Justitia above the entrance to a district court.

Religious-motivated violence - Expected Decisions in Trial of Appeal for Nice Attack

In 2022, two men received a prison sentence of 18 years each after being convicted of involvement in a terrorist group. They had morally and financially assisted an attacker, instigating him, as per the court's ruling. The prosecution argued that they were well aware of the man's intentions and that he was capable of carrying out such a crime. Additionally, they were involved in the search for a firearm. The prosecution is currently requesting a 20-year sentence in the appeal process.

On the 14th of July, 2016, a Tunisian named Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel used a heavy cargo truck to plow through crowds celebrating France's national holiday on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. He also fired at people, resulting in 86 fatalities and over 200 injuries. Following the attack, the perpetrator was shot dead.

IS, a terrorist organization, declared responsibility for the incident. However, the court examined this as opportunistic, even though the attacker had shown interest in jihadism. While there was no substantial evidence linking the terrorist organization to the attack, a clear inspiration from jihadist intentions was evident.

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