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Ex-VW boss Winterkorn: Witness in the diesel scandal trial

Former Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn will be heard in mid-February as a witness in the test case brought by investors in the diesel scandal against VW and the holding company Porsche SE. Winterkorn has been summoned to appear on February 14 and 15 (10:00 a.m. each day), as the Braunschweig...

Martin Winterkorn, former Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen, as a witness at
Martin Winterkorn, former Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen, as a witness at the meeting of the Committee of Inquiry into Exhaust Emissions.

Brunswick - Ex-VW boss Winterkorn: Witness in the diesel scandal trial

Former Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn will be heard in mid-February as a witness in the test case brought by investors in the diesel scandal against VW and the holding company Porsche SE. Winterkorn has been summoned to appear on February 14 and 15 (10:00 a.m. each day), as the Braunschweig Higher Regional Court announced on Friday.

His successors Matthias Müller and Herbert Diess are also to testify as witnesses in the civil proceedings. The hearing of Diess is scheduled for January 16, as the Higher Regional Court also announced. Müller has been summoned on February 7. Other possible dates for the witness hearings are February 27 and 28. The hearings will take place in the Congress Hall of the Stadthalle in Braunschweig.

In other proceedings, four Volkswagen managers have been in the dock at Braunschweig Regional Court since September 2021. The proceedings against Winterkorn, who resigned after the diesel emissions scandal came to light in 2015, were severed with reference to his state of health. It will be continued soon.

In September 2015, it came to light that instead of using more expensive emissions technology, VW was falsifying the measured values with the help of hidden software codes. These ensured that the emissions were fully cleaned in tests, but were many times higher in road use. The discovery of the scandal plunged VW into the worst crisis in its history.

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