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Evidence of the lignite industry in Saxony recorded

As part of a federally funded project, archaeologists and monument conservators have comprehensively recorded thousands of remnants of the lignite industry in the Lusatian and Central German coalfields. The documentation now provides a comprehensive inventory for Saxony, as the State Office for...

Steam rises from the cooling towers of the Jänschwalde lignite-fired power plant operated
Steam rises from the cooling towers of the Jänschwalde lignite-fired power plant operated by Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG (LEAG).

History - Evidence of the lignite industry in Saxony recorded

As part of a federally funded project, archaeologists and monument conservators have comprehensively recorded thousands of remnants of the lignite industry in the Lusatian and Central German coalfields. The documentation now provides a comprehensive inventory for Saxony, as the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments (LfD) in Dresden announced on Sunday. As a kind of "all-encompassing historical atlas of the cultural heritage of the lignite industry", it provides a "deep insight into an industry that shaped the landscapes affected".

The findings will gradually be published in the online portal Kultur Landschaft Digital, an information system about the historical cultural landscape. Selected objects have already been described in two LfD publications - from the royal lignite works, pits and coal bunkers to the "Onion Woman and Miner" monument.

The two-year interdisciplinary recording project is linked to the structural change in the coal regions. According to the LfD, the almost comprehensive inventory of an entire industrial sector in four federal states - teams are also working in Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt and North Rhine-Westphalia - is "a first", and the first-time digital provision of information and mapping enables a nationwide comparison. The project illustrates "how formative this branch of industry was for the mining areas and remains so with the large number of structures". Their preservation requires concepts, money and people who identify with the buildings.

KuLaDig online portal Link to the brochure with selected records in the Central German mining district Link to the brochure with selected records in the Lusatian mining district

Read also:

  1. Visitors to Dresden can now explore the rich history of Saxony's lignite industry, as thousands of related monuments have been meticulously documented as part of a federal project and are now available online through the KuLaDig portal.
  2. An intriguing find from this extensive catalog is the "Onion Woman and Miner" monument, located in one of the royal lignite works, which depicts a miner and his wife cemented in time, offering a poignant snapshot of life in the industry.
  3. The comprehensive inventory of Saxony's lignite industry history, effortlessly accessible through the LfD and its online platforms, also serves as a stark reminder of the substantial impact mining has had on the region's landscapes and society - an impact that continues to be felt in modern-day Dresden and beyond, nestled in the heart of beautiful Saxony.


