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European elections: AfD party chief Chrupalla touts "exceptional outcome"

The co-leader of AfD, Tino Chrupalla, considers the projections of his party's performance in the European elections a "fantastic outcome." The solid 16% indicated by ARD and ZDF's initial predictions represent a "promising foundation for the year of elections," he commented during an interview...

Tino Chrupalla
Tino Chrupalla

European elections: AfD party chief Chrupalla touts "exceptional outcome"

Top candidates of AfD, Maximilian Krah and Petr Bystron, have faced numerous scandals and affairs throughout the election campaign, now dominating the focus. In a recent interview with ARD, co-leader Alice Weidel expressed satisfaction with the party's performance in the final stretch, saying, "The AfD has performed pretty well in the final sprint after a shaky start in the campaign."Weidel added that initial projections indicate AfD as the second-strongest political force in Germany post-election. Although the party has made significant improvements from the last election, it still falls short of the 20% nationwide support it had early this year.

Furthermore, discussing potential partnerships in the European Parliament, Chrupalla shared, "We're reaching out. I'm confident that we'll be part of a faction." The ID faction, consisting of Austrian FPO and Italian Lega, had banned AfD delegates after party leader Maximilian Krah played down some controversial SS references.

Read also:

  1. Despite the scandals surrounding party leaders Maximilian Krah and Petr Bystron, Chrupalla, the AfD party leader, remains optimistic about the party's performance in the European elections.
  2. In an interview with ARD, Alice Weidel, co-leader of the AfD, praised the party's performance in the final stretch of the election campaign, calling it an "exceptional outcome" as per Chrupalla.
  3. Initial forecasts suggest that the AfD will be the second-strongest political force in Germany after the European elections, according to Weidel's statements.
  4. However, the AfD falls short of the 20% nationwide support it had earlier this year, despite making significant improvements from the last election.
  5. Chrupalla mentioned that the AfD is reaching out to potential partners in the European Parliament, expressing confidence in being part of a faction.
  6. The ID faction, which includes Austrian FPO and Italian Lega, had previously banned AfD delegates due to controversial SS references made by Maximilian Krah.
  7. Despite these challenges, Chrupalla remains hopeful, touting the AfD as a "super" force in the European elections.



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