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Euroimmun's founder faces a 250,000 euro fine due to illegal vaccination.

Winfried Stöcker, businessman, stands trial for his coronavirus vaccination initiative. The state attorney's office alleges a breach of the German Medicines Act. Stöcker maintains his innocence.

"Euroimmun" founder Winfried Stöcker (r) stands next to his lawyer Wolfgang Kubicki.
"Euroimmun" founder Winfried Stöcker (r) stands next to his lawyer Wolfgang Kubicki.

Judicial determination - Euroimmun's founder faces a 250,000 euro fine due to illegal vaccination.

Because of using an unlicensed COVID-19 vaccine for immunization, Winfried Stöcker, entrepreneur of Lübeck-based company Euroimmun, now needs to pay a fine amounting to €250,000. According to what the Lübeck District Court announced on a Monday, Stöcker was given 50 penalties of €5,000 each. He was found guilty of illegally distributing an unauthorized pharmaceutical substance, according to the judge's explanation.

It has not been ascertained that Stöcker personally combined the vaccine's components or produced them in his laboratory, Wolfgang Kubicki, one of Stöcker's lawyers, informed the media. Therefore, his client should be acquitted. The prosecution had advised the judge to sentence the defendant to a €10,000 fine. In his final statement, Stöcker declared: "I am innocent." He believed that he had a path to resolving the pandemic crisis via his vaccine: "As a doctor, I must assist."

Back in November 2021, Stöcker organized an immunization session with the "Lubeca Vax" vaccine he created in Lübeck Airport Blankensee. Since the vaccine still lacked official approval, the vaccination was recognized as an act of lawbreakings.

On Monday, other witnesses at the trial recounted that Stöcker had notified the participants about the absence of such approval prior to the unauthorized session. At the location of Lübeck Airport, there were roughly 50-100 people who had been vaccinated before the police halted the illegal action. Stöcker had been the owner of the airport since mid-2016, which he secured out of bankruptcy.

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