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EU negotiators wrestle over rules for artificial intelligence

The European Union has begun what could be decisive negotiations on rules for artificial intelligence (AI). Negotiators from the member states and the European Parliament met in Brussels on Wednesday. "The finish line is in sight", wrote the lead EU Commissioner Thierry Breton on X, formerly...

Illustration on artificial
Illustration on artificial

EU negotiators wrestle over rules for artificial intelligence

The EU Commission under President Ursula von der Leyen first proposed a legal framework for the use of artificial intelligence in April 2021. If an agreement is reached, Europe would be a global pioneer. According to the Commission and the European Parliament, strict rules would apply to "high-risk applications" such as self-driving cars, while other technologies could be banned altogether.

However, the major member states Germany, France and Italy recently warned against strict regulations in order not to jeopardize the development of this future technology. Digital and Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) appealed to the EU to take a coordinated international approach and "not go it alone", as he said at a Council of Ministers meeting in Brussels on Tuesday.

Berlin, Paris and Rome advocate the principle of self-regulation in order not to hinder research. Otherwise, they warn, Europe will fall far behind the USA and China when it comes to AI. "In the end, it is the result and not the speed that is decisive," emphasized Wissing. Spain, on the other hand, which will chair the member states until the end of the year, is pushing for a quick agreement.

The USA is working with its allies towards international AI rules. An international summit was held in the UK at the beginning of November and further meetings are planned for next year in France and South Korea.

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