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EU Home Affairs Commissioner warns of attacks in Europe due to Middle East war

In connection with the Middle East war, EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson has warned of attacks in Europe during the upcoming holiday season. There is an "enormous risk of terrorist attacks", said the Swede on Tuesday in Brussels on the fringes of a meeting of interior ministers....

Flowers near the Eiffel Tower in
Flowers near the Eiffel Tower in

EU Home Affairs Commissioner warns of attacks in Europe due to Middle East war

Home Affairs Commissioner Johansson announced an additional 30 million euros for the protection of particularly vulnerable places such as places of worship. She referred to the attack in Paris at the weekend. There, an Islamist known to the police stabbed a tourist from Germany to death. In a video, the assassin justified this by referring to violence against Palestinians, among other things.

The meeting of interior ministers will also focus on migration and the common asylum policy. On Wednesday, negotiators from the member states and the European Parliament will attempt to reach agreement on an asylum pact with which the EU intends to draw lessons from the refugee crisis.

Spanish Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska, who is leading the negotiations on behalf of the member states, said he was "reasonably optimistic" about a breakthrough. Plans include accelerated asylum procedures directly at Europe's external borders. Parliament is demanding exceptions for families with children. The German government had not been able to push through this demand for the time being.

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