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Enhanced safety measures for local and European voting processes

Multiple regional parliaments and EU representatives will be chosen three and half months prior to the state elections in Brandenburg. The reason for this distinct occurrence:

Der Brandenburger Landeswahlleiter Herbert Trimbach, aufgenommen während einer Pressekonferenz zum...
Der Brandenburger Landeswahlleiter Herbert Trimbach, aufgenommen während einer Pressekonferenz zum anstehenden Superwahljahr 2024 in Brandenburg.

The Brandenburg locale - Enhanced safety measures for local and European voting processes

Due to anticipated disruptions, security measures for Brandenburg's municipal and European elections have been heightened. According to Herbert Trimbach, state election commissioner in Potsdam, the security authorities have been specifically prepared for the election. The police are on high alert, anticipating potential disruptions. Despite possible attacks, Trimbach is confident that security will be maintained. Political figures have already been targeted, and many election posters have been damaged.

Over 2.1 million people are expected to vote in the municipal and European elections on June 9 in Brandenburg. Just three and a half months before the state elections, these elections have generated great interest. With over 20,000 candidates for the municipal elections, voters will be deciding on 14 district councils, 4 city councils (in Potsdam, Cottbus, Brandenburg an der Havel, and Frankfurt (Oder)), district-related city councils, and municipal councils, as well as nominating honorary mayors. The ballot for the European elections has 34 electoral proposals.

The preliminary results for the municipal elections are not yet determined. Under the Municipal Elections Act, the commissioner or commissioner is allowed to appoint more election officials for the following day if needed. The counting process is extensive. In 2019, statewide results were available at 5:30 a.m. on the election day. The European election results may not be revealed until 11 p.m., as polling stations in the last EU country must close by then.

Although around 31,000 election helpers are needed nationwide, there is no shortage in Brandenburg, despite 230 still missing in Brandenburg an der Havel. Eligible to vote are Germans and citizens of other EU member states who are at least 16 years old on June 9 and have not been prohibited from voting by a court order. Trimbach is set to be the state election commissioner for municipal elections in 2024 and the European elections in 2024.

With over 20,000 candidates, Brandenburg's municipal elections offer a variety of options for voters. Images may provide a more visual representation of the candidates. Disruptions have already occurred, and security measures are in place to prevent further issues. The European elections are scheduled to begin later in the evening, with more counting and preliminary results likely to follow.

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