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"Ending the recovery attempt": steamship salvage is halted

Following two unsuccessful efforts, the complex recovery of the "Säntis" from Lake Constance has been called off. Those in charge made this hard choice due to the immense difficulty of the operation.

Das Dampfschiff "Säntis" ist auf dem Grund des  Bodensees zu sehen. Am 2. Mai 1933 wurde es...
Das Dampfschiff "Säntis" ist auf dem Grund des Bodensees zu sehen. Am 2. Mai 1933 wurde es ausgemustert und im See versenkt. Ein Verein aus Romanshorn will das rund 130 Jahre alte Dampfschiff aus 210 Metern Tiefe bergen und ausstellen.

Constance Lake - "Ending the recovery attempt": steamship salvage is halted

After two unsuccessful attempts, the recovery of the historical steamship "Säntis" from the depths of Lake Constance is temporarily on hold. Due to various technical difficulties, the authorities in charge have decided, with a heavy heart, to put a temporary halt to the operation, according to a statement issued on Monday in Romanshorn, Switzerland. "In the near future, there may be more attempts to recover the wreck and uncover its secrets," said the Shipwreck Association.

The second try failed to hoist the ship using lifting bags towards the surface on Sunday. The recovery attempt was a failure because the brakes of the winch, which should have lowered a lifting platform onto the wreck at the bottom of Lake Constance, did not function properly. The lifting platform sank and now requires salvage, explained Association President Silvan Paganini on Monday. The Association also sent a diving robot down to the depths. Extensive cleanup work is now necessary.

The more than 130-year-old steamboat was no longer seaworthy in May 1933 and was intentionally sunk in the middle of the lake between Romanshorn, Switzerland, and Langenargen, Germany. It was decided not to scrap it at the time.

The 48-meter-long ship had been in service on Lake Constance since 1892 and could carry up to 400 passengers. The association, founded in 2023, intended to recover it from the depths and conserve it for display purposes. A total of over 250,000 euros was raised through donations for the salvage of the sunken passenger ship.

The announcement of the end of the project has left a mix of sadness and disappointment among all those directly involved, stated the association. Nevertheless, it was constantly stressed that they would keep going as long as the risks and costs were calculable and in proportion to the conservation of this "magnificent ship." A previous attempt to salvage the passenger vessel had failed in mid-April due to other technical problems.

Numerous hours of work and a large portion of the budget had already been spent on the two salvage attempts, said Paganini. In his opinion, the project is no more. "I cannot maintain this effort." If, however, a major donor appears, the conversation can be expanded. Technically, the salvage is still possible. "The question is only: Do you have the resources to accomplish it?"

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