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End of agricultural diesel subsidy: farmers' association calls for protest on Monday

The German Farmers' Association (DBV) has called for protests in view of the Federal Government's planned abolition of the agricultural diesel subsidy and vehicle tax exemption for agriculture. Under the slogan "Too much is too much! Now it's over", a demonstration is to take place on Monday at...

Tractor in a
Tractor in a

End of agricultural diesel subsidy: farmers' association calls for protest on Monday

DBV President Joachim Rukwied called on the traffic light coalition to withdraw the plans for the cuts. "If these plans are not withdrawn, there will be fierce resistance," threatened Rukwied.

The cuts are part of the federal government 's budget consolidation following the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court. According to information from the Federal Ministry of Finance, the abolition of the concession on motor vehicle tax for forestry and agriculture is expected to generate 480 million euros a year. There was initially no further information on the savings potential of the abolition of tax concessions for agricultural diesel.

The FDP and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture blamed each other for the measures. Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) spoke of a "disproportionate" burden on agriculture, which he considered "problematic".

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