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Economists calculate family wealth

How rich is the family from "Kevin - Home Alone" really? Economists have now done the math.

How much does the house cost where Kevin (Macaulay Culkin) is left alone?
How much does the house cost where Kevin (Macaulay Culkin) is left alone?

"Kevin - Home Alone" - Economists calculate family wealth

How much money must the MacCallister family have to be able to afford the house in which they leave their offspring in "Kevin - Home Alone"? Fans of the 1990 cult film ask themselves this question every year when they watch the modern Christmas classic again over the festive period. The "New York Times" has now investigated this. The newspaper interviewed economists as well as people who were involved in "Kevin - Home Alone".

The house in which Kevin (Macaulay Culkin, 43) and his parents live really does exist - even if the interior shots were filmed in a studio. The building is located at 671 Lincoln Avenue in Winnetka. The Chicago suburb is one of the most expensive residential areas in the USA, according to a real estate website quoted by theNew York Times.

The MacCallisters are among the one percent

According to estimates, the MacCallister house would cost 2.4 million US dollars today. Both today and in 1990, only the richest one percent of Chicagoans could afford such a property. This was the result of calculations by economists who included taxes, insurance and mortgages for the "New York Times".

To be able to afford the house, a family would have had to have an annual income of at least 305,000 US dollars in 1990. Today it would be 665,000 dollars.

How do the MacCallisters get money?

The house is not the only indicator of the MacCallisters' wealth. Including Uncle Frank's entourage, 15 people end up flying to Paris - the four adults first class. But the movie mentions that Uncle Rob pays for the tickets. He lives in Paris in an apartment with a view of the Eiffel Tower and can accommodate 15 people. Not a sign of poverty either.

Of course, it is difficult to say how rich the MacCallisters really are. Especially as Kevin's parents' professions are never mentioned. In the novel version of "Kevin - Home Alone", mother Kate is described as a fashion designer, father Peter simply as a businessman. Those responsible for the film, who have their say in the "New York Times", state that nobody thought about the family's income during filming. However, one set designer admits that everything was intended to look a little more glamorous than in reality.

For many fans, however, it is clear where the money comes from. According to a popular theory, Frank MacCallister is involved in organized crime...

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