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Drones over Bavaria's prisons: none shot down yet

When drones fly over prisons, things can get tricky. Bavarian prisons are therefore trying to protect themselves against this. However, the tested systems have not yet shot down any of the aircraft - for a very specific reason.

A downed drone stands on a table during the demonstration of a mobile drone defense system.
A downed drone stands on a table during the demonstration of a mobile drone defense system.

Ministry of Justice - Drones over Bavaria's prisons: none shot down yet

Drones have flown over or close to Bavarian prisons five times up to mid-November - but the defense systems installed in 8 of the 36 prisons have not yet been deployed. If the mobile drone defense system "Dropster" was present at all at the respective location, the drones had only briefly entered the prohibited zone, the Ministry of Justice in Munich told the German Press Agency. "It was not possible to deploy them during the few minutes they remained over the prison grounds."

However, unannounced exercises have shown that the drones can be successfully shot down if they are used for a slightly longer period of time - for example in the case of a fictitious handover of cell phones, weapons or drugs. Experience with a drone detection system that is being tested in Amberg Prison has also been consistently positive. "The system reliably detects drones flying into the prison within a radius of 100 meters of the prison grounds. The location of the drone is then visualized via the system so that the necessary measures can be taken in the prison," the ministry explained.

Cell phones and drugs: Drones a danger for prisons

The widespread use and technical capabilities of commercially available drones pose a major threat to security-relevant areas such as airports, but also to prisons. "There have already been two attempts to fly in cell phones and drugs," reported the ministry. In France, a serious criminal even managed to escape a few years ago because his accomplices had used a drone to spy on the prison.

Drones are also repeatedly spotted near prisons in Bavaria, although the aircraft must actually keep a legal minimum distance of 100 meters. A total of seven unauthorized overflights were reported in 2022, two in 2021 and nine in 2020.

"It is not only the violation of personal rights of staff and prisoners through unauthorized photography and filming, but above all the introduction of cell phones, drugs or weapons that pose a threat to the security of our prisons," emphasized the ministry. Even a breakout with the help of a drone cannot be ruled out - after all, some models have a load capacity of up to 100 kilograms.

71 sightings - pilots often remain undetected

In total, there were 71 sightings of drones near or above prisons in Bavaria between 2015 and November 20, 2023. The ministry explained that the pilots could often not be identified, meaning that the motives for the overflights were largely unclear.

In October 2020, eight prisons were therefore equipped with the mobile drone defense system "Dropster". This involves firing a net several square meters in size that unfolds in the air and blocks the rotors of a drone, causing it to crash. A drone detection system was also tested in Amberg Prison. In view of the positive results of the pilot project, a similar system is now to be installed in Straubing Prison. However, the prison will first investigate whether there are even better systems in the meantime in light of possible technical developments.

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