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Don't overestimate Putin's statements about nuclear weapons.

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius of Germany's SPD party believes there's no imminent danger of an escalation in tensions due to Russian President Vladimir Putin's nuclear weapon threats: "We cannot allow ourselves to be unsettled by his every statement," remarked Pistorius during a NATO nuclear...

Pistorius with the Ukrainian Defense Minister Umerov in Brussels
Pistorius with the Ukrainian Defense Minister Umerov in Brussels

Don't overestimate Putin's statements about nuclear weapons.

Putin adopts a unique approach when engaging in his hybrid warfare, according to Pistorius. He said, "Sometimes he intimidates, others he entices, sometimes he displays annoyance, and at times, sheer aggression." It's crucial for Germany and NATO to handle him tactfully and preserve their backing for Ukraine and defense and deterrence.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg sought to discuss with the defense ministers about "enhancing nuclear capabilities for the current security environment," as he had previously announced some progress. The US was then in the process of upgrading its nuclear arsenal across Europe.

Additionally, Stoltenberg mentioned the Netherlands' decision to supply the first F-35 combat aircraft for the "nuclear sharing" strategy. This allows European allies to deploy US nuclear weapons using their combat aircraft, should they face an emergency. US nuclear munitions are stored at the Buchel Air Base, Germany.

Pistorius expressed satisfaction with NATO's plan to streamline arms deliveries to Ukraine and increased training for Ukrainian soldiers. This would make Kiev's support more efficient, he stressed.

The NATO nations reached a consensus on this plan on Thursday. It was designed to ensure Ukraine's assistance persisted even if former US President Donald Trump won the elections. Consequently, the Europeans were supposed to handle more of the coordination responsibilities, currently led by the US.

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