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Ditib appeal to German government: Help people in Gaza

The Islamic association Ditib has appealed to the German government to support more humanitarian aid for the suffering civilian population in the Gaza Strip. "The humanitarian tragedy in Gaza is taking on unbearable proportions, the human suffering and the drama of the Palestinian civilian...

Middle East conflict - Ditib appeal to German government: Help people in Gaza

The Islamic association Ditib has appealed to the German government to support more humanitarian aid for the suffering civilian population in the Gaza Strip. "The humanitarian tragedy in Gaza is taking on unbearable proportions, the human suffering and the drama of the Palestinian civilian population is shaking the hearts of people around the world," wrote the association (Cologne) in an open letter to the German government published on Thursday. Ditib called for an end to the violence and an immediate ceasefire. The war, which has already lasted more than two months, is taking on dramatic proportions with high casualty figures, suffering and chaos for both peoples.

There is "no alternative to reconciliation and peace", emphasized the Federal Chairman of the Turkish Islamic Union, Muharrem Kuzey. "We must work together for sustainable peace and humanitarian aid in the region." In the letter, Ditib demanded: "In these challenging times, the German government must be a voice of reason and stand up loudly for international law."

Kuzey said: "Muslims are extremely concerned about the humanitarian catastrophe and want to help." Ditib will do everything "within its means" to organize aid to the crisis region. "We can no longer ignore the human suffering, the ruthless killing and death of civilians - regardless of ethnicity, faith or ideology." Voices from politicians calling for a ceasefire should become louder. The largest Islamic organization in Germany, with 15 regional associations and around 860 mosque communities, referred above all to the situation of families, women and children.

"The actions of the Israeli government in Gaza must not cause further human suffering," it said in the letter. "Intensive peace diplomacy is needed to put an end to the spiral of violence."

Islamist Hamas and other groups from the Gaza Strip attacked Israel on October 7, killing around 1,200 people and kidnapping around 240. Israel responded with massive military operations against terrorists in the Gaza Strip. According to the authorities, more than 21,000 people were killed in the Gaza Strip.

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