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Dismissed state secretary for education goes to court

Education Minister Stark-Watzinger has parted company with a state secretary in the so-called subsidy money affair. She now wants to speak out herself and is taking the matter to court.

Funding affair: Former State Secretary Sabine Döring wants permission to testify.
Funding affair: Former State Secretary Sabine Döring wants permission to testify.

Funding affair - Dismissed state secretary for education goes to court

States Secretary Sabine Doering, dismissed by Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP), is taking legal action against the ministry over the so-called "Foster Grant Affair." Doering filed an urgent application at the Berlin Administrative Court to be allowed to make public statements regarding the matter. The application was submitted on Thursday evening, according to a court spokesperson. The "Tagesschau" reported this earlier.

Doering seeks permission to speak out

Doering aims to obtain a court order to authorize her public statement and challenges the public portrayal that she issued the controversial investigation order, as stated by the spokesperson. A decision is not expected soon. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Doering's former employer, refused to grant her public comment, according to the "Tagesschau" report. The ministry declined to comment when contacted.

Long-standing dispute over handling of protest letter

The background stems from the ministry's handling of an open letter from university professors regarding the conflict in the Middle East. The professors criticized the evacuation of a Palestinian demonstrators' camp at the Free University of Berlin in May. This, in turn, sparked criticism from Stark-Watzinger, who believed that the letter "downplays the terror of Hamas."

Later, emails emerged revealing that someone high up in the ministry had requested an investigation into whether statements in the Berlin university professors' protest letter had any legal implications and if the ministry could potentially withhold funding as a consequence. This approach drew widespread criticism. Stark-Watzinger then dismissed Doering as state secretary for the higher education department and declared that the state secretary responsible for higher education affairs had initiated the underlying investigation order. Later, the ministry stated that Doering had ordered a legal investigation of the protest letter. This order was understood by the ministry's specialist division to mean that both a legal investigation and a review of potential funding consequences should be carried out. Doering stated that she had not intended to order an investigation into potential funding consequences.

  1. The ongoing dispute between Sabine Döring and Bettina Stark-Watzinger revolves around the "Foster Grant Affair," which involves the dismissal of Döring by the Federal Government.
  2. The Palestinian territories have become a significant factor in the conflicts within German academia, with university professors expressing concerns about Israel's actions.
  3. The University of Berlin was at the center of a controversy when Palestinian demonstrators were evacuated from their campus, leading to a strong reaction from academics.
  4. The administrative court in Berlin will review Doering's application, which seeks permission to discuss the situation publicly, in light of the Federal Government's refusal to grant her commentary rights.
  5. The FDP, a political party in Germany, has been embroiled in the controversy due to the role of their Education Minister, Bettina Stark-Watzinger, in the dismissal of Doering and the handling of the Palestinian territories' issue.
  6. Science and higher education in Germany have been subject to scrutiny and criticism after a series of internal documents revealed an investigation ordered by a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Education and Research.
  7. Daily news outlets have covered the controversy extensively, reporting on the dismissal, the emails, and the legal action being taken by Doering against her former employer.
  8. Germany's political landscape and relations with Israel and the Palestinian territories have been influenced by the ongoing conflicts, with the "Foster Grant Affair" becoming a significant topic of discussion in national and international media.

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