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"Didn't believe Ofarim for a second"

"Wetten, dass...?" and the Ofarim case are the hot topics in the new podcast episode of Oliver Pocher and Alessandra Meyer-Wölden.

Discussing controversial topics again: Oliver Pocher and Alessandra Meyer-Wö
Discussing controversial topics again: Oliver Pocher and Alessandra Meyer-Wö

Oliver Pocher in a new podcast episode - "Didn't believe Ofarim for a second"

The sixth edition of their podcast "Die Pochers! Frisch recycelt" (exclusively on Podimo), Oliver Pocher (45) and Alessandra "Sandy" Meyer-Wölden (40) record at home again. Meyer-Wölden smiles as she points out her "small downgrade": Compared to the recording of the previous podcast episode in front of a sold-out audience in Cologne's "Gloria", she is now "back in the closet". Pocher remarks with regard to the appearance in front of an audience in Cologne: He now has to "deal with" the fact that podcast fans find his ex-wife "sometimes funnier than what I do". But: "You'll fuck it up in 180 podcasts," said Pocher. "And then I can kick you out again and carry on with Amira." Meyer-Wölden has definitely tasted blood when it comes to recording podcasts with Oliver Pocher.

"If Shirin David is still around in 30 years, everything will be wonderful"

Pocher and Meyer-Wölden watched Thomas Gottschalk's (73) last "Wetten dass...?" show together on the sofa, just like in the good old days. Pocher comments on the little battle of words between Gottschalk and Shirin David (28): "The TikTok community celebrated it afterwards." Motto: But she showed the "old white man". Meyer-Wölden calls for "more down-to-earthness and respect". And Pocher also pays tribute to his show colleague: "Thomas Gottschalk has shaped five decades of entertainment, he is a legend. You don't have to come up with 'old white man'. Shirin David has now played a six-concert arena tour. And she's a millionaire on TikTok. But being a millionaire on TikTok is like being a millionaire at Monopoly. And if Shirin David is still around in 30 years and is that successful, then everything will be wonderful."

Alessandra Meyer-Wölden sang in the children's choir on "Wetten dass... ?"

Both also talk about Meyer-Wölden's appearance on "Wetten dass...?" - as a six-year-old as part of a children's choir that accompanied Placido Domingo (82): "We sang a modern version of 'We are the Champions' back then. We had pompoms in our hands. And you can see me there, the child next to me pushing me the whole time and me pushing the child away the whole time." Her appearances were made possible by her father Axel Meyer-Wölden, "in the 80s and 90s THE media lawyer and maker in Germany", as Pocher praises.

Pocher on Gil Ofarim: "I didn't believe him for a second"

The two then discuss the outcome of the Gil Ofarim (41) case from the previous week. After a trial lasting several weeks, the singer admitted that he had only made up the anti-Semitism accusations against a hotel employee in Leipzig. Meyer-Wölden still knows Ofarim from his old Munich days on the tennis court: "Back then, we played all the Munich championship tournaments at the same time. So I knew him as a child. What happened in court is unbeatable." Pocher added: "To come up with this anti-Semitism thing and blame it on his Jewish star... I didn't buy it for a second." Meyer-Wölden wonders: "What will become of someone like that now?" Pocher's opinion: "The next few years are over for now. But as hard as I am on Gil. But I'm not in favor of canceling now. He can perform again. The thing has backfired. But people forget."

"Are you my official Valentines date?"

Incidentally, the next but one edition of the joint podcast is planned for Valentine's Day 2024. Pocher is of the opinion: "Valentine's Day is best spent with your girlfriend or ex." Meyer-Wölden then wants to know: "Am I your official Valentine's date then?" Newly single Oliver Pocher teases his ex-wife: "It's not as if you have any other options." But she replies dryly: "Not at the moment, but maybe we'll set up a Tinder account for me."

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