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Despite opposition from right-wing demonstrations, operations at the CSD in Zwickau continue to function effectively.

Multitudes rally for LGBTQ advocacy at Zwickau's CSD, amidst far-right counterprotests. Regardless, the event mainly maintains tranquility – the law enforcement were well-prepared.

- Despite opposition from right-wing demonstrations, operations at the CSD in Zwickau continue to function effectively.

Crowds of individuals participated in the Christopher Street Festival (CSF) in Zwickau, drawing controversy from extreme right-wing groups. Initially, authorities asserted that the occasion mostly transpired without incident. Authorities had meticulously prepared for the event in Zwickau. Simultaneously, the radical faction III. Way had announced a counter-gathering. Originally, authorities estimated roughly 450 CSF attendees and around 150 counter-demonstrators.

As a precautionary measure, Police President Dirk Lichtenberger declared, "Our aim is to manage a flawless and peaceful CSF event, striving to evade an instant clash between the assorted groups present." A dpa photographer reported the presence of numerous police officers, along with two water cannons, an armored special vehicle, and a helicopter.

In August, the CSF in Bautzen required police protection. Approximately 1,000 CSF participants engaged in confrontations with around 680 people from the far-right circle. Authorities opened 14 criminal investigations and seven administrative offense proceedings, including one case of bodily harm, two instances of incitement, and one case involving symbols of unconstitutional and terrorist organizations.

Each year, the Christopher Street Festival is celebrated in numerous urban areas globally to recognize happenings on June 28, 1969, in New York, when law enforcement raided a bar on Christopher Street, prompting days of protests by LGBTQ+ people. The CSF is intended to commemorate and honor their rights.

Following the successful management of the CSF in Zwickau, discussions about hosting the Christopher Street Day event in other cities became more prevalent. Regretfully, some of these celebrations also encounter resistance from right-wing groups, as evident during the CSF in Bautzen.

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