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Demand for funding for club-owned sports facilities

The state is reaching into its pockets so that sports clubs can renovate their facilities. Funding will also be available for 2024. There is great interest.

Young players hit balls on the bowling alley at the SV Blau-Weiß Auma clubhouse.
Young players hit balls on the bowling alley at the SV Blau-Weiß Auma clubhouse.

Leisure time - Demand for funding for club-owned sports facilities

The demand for funding from the state for investments in sports facilities operated by clubs is higher than the funds expected to be available in 2024. Thuringian sports clubs have so far submitted applications for funding with a volume of five million euros, according to a spokesperson for the state sports association. In total, this involves investments amounting to 10.1 million euros. According to the state sports association, however, not all of the projects applied for will be funded. The state sports association manages the corresponding funding program and passes the funds on to the clubs.

In 2023, two million euros were available from the state budget as grants for construction work on sports facilities owned by clubs. According to the Ministry of Sport, the state government has once again included this sum in its draft budget for 2024. "The state government had to find a balance here between registrations or requirements and available budget funds on the one hand - and between funding for club-owned sports facilities and funding for municipal sports facilities on the other," said a ministry spokesperson.

Ten million euros had been registered for construction measures at municipal sports facilities. It is unclear how high the respective sum will actually be in view of the ongoing budget negotiations.

The association spokesperson said that the state sports association had received a total of around 90 funding applications for 2024. That was more applications than in 2023. For the current year, 75 applications had been submitted. While some clubs only want a few thousand euros from the program, others have applied for larger sums to co-finance very expensive projects.

Amount of funding applied for has increased

For example, SV Eintracht Berka/Werra wants to invest a total of 8,000 euros to renovate the run-up area of a bowling alley, said the spokesperson for the state sports association. SV 1872 Langenwetzendorf wants to invest a total of around 9,000 euros in roofing the entrance area of a gymnasium. The German Alpine Club in Weimar is planning to add a bouldering hall to an existing climbing hall. At the Jena University Sports Club, ten tennis courts are to be converted into year-round courts at a cost of around 440,000 euros.

If the estimated two million euros are actually available in 2024, the state sports association will be happy, said the spokesperson. "However, due to the continuously increasing number of applications and the obvious need for the modernization of sports facilities, we see a further increase in funding to two and a half or three million euros as urgently necessary for the future."

The amount of funding applied for has therefore increased. The average funding requirement per project is currently around 53,000 euros, said the spokesperson for the state sports association. At the start of the program in 2014, it was still around 17,000 euros.

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