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Damaged election posters: Fake CDU campaign material found.

Ein gefälschtes Wahlplakat der CDU in Leipzig hängt an einem Masten.
Ein gefälschtes Wahlplakat der CDU in Leipzig hängt an einem Masten.

Zwickau is a city that ... - Damaged election posters: Fake CDU campaign material found.

Over the weekend, posters from numerous political parties were vandalized in the Zwickau district and the Vogtland region. Additionally, phony CDU campaign posters with erroneous slogans have been circulating in the Free State, as reported by authorities on Monday. The damage affected a total of 53 posters, causing expenses in the upper hundreds. Affected parties included CDU, SPD, Greens, and the Left. In Zwickau, three posters were torched, and one even had a swastika painted on it. The criminal department is currently looking into the matter.

Read also:

  1. During the weekend, election posters from various parties in the District of Zwickau and the Vogtland district were not only vandalized but also fake CDU campaign posters with incorrect slogans were found.
  2. The criminal department in Zwickau is investigating the incidents of damaged election posters, including three torched posters and one with a swastika painted on it, which occurred over the weekend.
  3. The vandalism affected a total of 53 posters, causing substantial expenses in the upper hundreds, and involved parties such as CDU, SPD, Greens, and the Left.
  4. While the exact motive behind the damages and circulation of fake CDU posters is still under investigation, Saxony authorities stated their concern over the escalating election-related crimes.
  5. Despite these incidents, upcoming elections in the region remain a pressing concern for political parties, who are working tirelessly to ensure secure campaigning and fair voting processes.


