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Critics in the healthcare field express concern over the perceived "grieving tactic" in Coronavirus management.

Lacking Completely Sufficient Safeguards

Assessing the effectiveness of pandemic-related procedures, particularly in extended care...
Assessing the effectiveness of pandemic-related procedures, particularly in extended care facilities, is crucial.

Critics in the healthcare field express concern over the perceived "grieving tactic" in Coronavirus management.

In the ongoing debate about traffic light policies and coronavirus, some patient advocacy groups are raising concerns that crucial issues might be overlooked. They're specifically focusing on the safety of nursing home residents and the compulsory vaccination.

Eugen Brysch, a board member of the German Foundation for Patient Protection, criticizes the traffic light coalition for potentially turning the coronavirus reckoning into a "disaster." Brysch believes it's okay to make mistakes, but not when one refuses to learn from them. He emphasizes the need to critically evaluate coronavirus measures in long-term care facilities, suggesting that resident protection has been insufficient.

Similar views were expressed earlier by Diakonie, calling for the impact of the coronavirus crisis on nursing care to be addressed. The temporary mandatory vaccination for nursing staff has reportedly caused long-term damage, according to them.

Disagreement within the traffic light coalition over coronavirus policies

Brysch further suggests reviewing the previously decided institution-based vaccination requirement in the Bundestag. He argues that the politically popular notion that vaccinated individuals cannot spread the virus is false.

Brysch also challenges the traffic light coalition to explain why "adequate testing strategies and additional staff" were lacking in nursing homes, given that many healthcare workers were unemployed at the time.

Currently, there's a disagreement within the traffic light coalition regarding the appropriate management of coronavirus policies. Opposed to the SPD's suggestions for a citizens' council with randomly selected participants, the FDP demands a parliamentary inquiry committee by the Bundestag. In response, the FDP parliamentary manager, Stephan Thomae, stated that the party is "not availabl[e]" for the SPD's favored citizens' council.

The traffic light coalition's decision to maintain the institution-based vaccination requirement is being critiqued by Eugen Brysch, who believes it overlooks the potential falsity of the notion that vaccinated individuals cannot spread the virus. Furthermore, Brysch questions the absence of adequate testing strategies and additional staff in nursing homes during the pandemic, highlighting the disagreement within the coalition.

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