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Critics claim that the public prosecutor's office is experiencing a staff shortage.

The CDU parliamentary group states that the Senate isn't effectively performing its key state duty. On the contrary, Senator for Justice Schilling claims that the number of jobs within the prosecution office has risen.

Members of parliament take part in the parliamentary session in the plenary chamber.
Members of parliament take part in the parliamentary session in the plenary chamber.

Being a Citizen - Critics claim that the public prosecutor's office is experiencing a staff shortage.

During a citizens' assembly discussion, the opposition raised concerns over the insufficient staffing of the Bremen Public Prosecutor's Office. The Bovenschulte Senate could not effectively handle their core responsibilities, declared the CDU party's legal spokeswoman, Wiebke Winter, in a parliament session on Wednesday. She deemed it a "scandal." Alliance 90/The Greens and the FDP factions shared similar sentiments, expressing their discontent with the staffing shortage at the Public Prosecutor's Office. The debate arose from a motion submitted by the CDU faction. By October 2023, there were 14,289 unresolved cases at the Bremen Public Prosecutor's Office, as revealed by a Senate response.

Justice Senator Claudia Schilling (SPD) countered, stating that the CDU faction neglected the extensive measures taken by the Senate. The government had successfully increased the full-time positions at the Public Prosecutor's Office from 157 to 213. Schilling conceded that the workload on employees was heavy. "I'm fully aware of that," she said. However, Schilling pointed out that this wasn't just a Bremen issue. She claimed all public prosecutors' offices in Germany were grappling with hefty caseloads and complex investigations. The CDU faction's proposal to permanently hire more staff was dismissed.

Moreover, an unforeseen event transpired around 9:40 a.m. on Wednesday: A group of twelve environmental activists and protesters breached the citizens' assembly and demonstrated their disapproval. They reportedly lay themselves down on the stairs. The police present at the scene identified the individuals and are currently investigating for trespassing and violating the Assembly Act.

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