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Criminal convicted for damaging biogas facility.

A 36-year-old man has been imprisoned for two and a half years due to deliberately damaging a biogas facility in Würzburg, leading to soil and groundwater contamination. The Würzburg district court made this decision on Thursday, as the incident occurred over two years ago and resulted in...

A plant in which biogas is produced.
A plant in which biogas is produced.

Rulings are made. - Criminal convicted for damaging biogas facility.

A man from Würzburg has been found guilty of sabotaging a plant in Reichenberg in February 2022. Consequentially, sewage flowed into a nearby ditch and then into a stream. Had it not been contained, the sewage could have reached the main river just a few kilometers away, potentially polluting the groundwater and drinking water.

Specialists examined the polluted water and determined that no living microorganisms remained. The tainted water was drained and sent through a filtration plant to the sewage system. Midway through this process, the current in the stream returned to its normal flow, two days after the initial overflow.

The man was apprehended on the same day the incident occurred. At the trial, he declared his innocence. The prosecution sought a two-year, nine-month prison sentence, whereas his defense attorney called for an acquittal.

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