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Construction work for LNG pipeline: Criticism from fisheries expert

Fisheries expert Christopher Zimmermann has criticized the planned extension of the construction period for the connection pipeline of the Rügen liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal. "To be honest, I find it frightening," the head of the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries told the German...

A whitefish hangs in the net caught by fisherman Chary Liebsch.
A whitefish hangs in the net caught by fisherman Chary Liebsch.

Liquefied natural gas - Construction work for LNG pipeline: Criticism from fisheries expert

Fisheries expert Christopher Zimmermann has criticized the planned extension of the construction period for the connection pipeline of the Rügen liquefied natural gas (LNG ) terminal. "To be honest, I find it frightening," the head of the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries told the German Press Agency on Wednesday.

The responsible approval authority announced on Wednesday that the gas network operator Gascade had applied for permission to build on the first section of the pipeline in January and February. A draft of the approval should therefore be published on Thursday. The first section runs through the Greifswald Bodden - the herring's nursery - among other places.

Zimmermann said that his institute had said that the work should definitely stop by December 31. Herring were already gathering off the coast of Rügen. They were waiting to migrate to their spawning grounds. In his opinion, the work should be interrupted until mid-May so as not to endanger the herring, which are already under pressure. However, this would probably not be considered further for cost reasons.

Gascade, on the other hand, assumes that the spawning season will start in March. The area affected is also small. It is a matter of restoring reefs and underwater soil. The dredgers planned for this work had to dredge the trench elsewhere because it had silted up again due to the storm of the century in October, according to Gascade. The planned work did not affect the migration of the herring.

Zimmermann contradicted this. The work was planned at strategically important points for the herring.

Statement from the mining authority

Read also:

  1. The potential impact of the construction work on local animals, particularly fish, is a concern for environmental groups in mecklenburg-vorpommern.
  2. The German Press Agency reported that the extension of the connection pipeline for the Stralsund LNG terminal could harm the fishing industry.
  3. The planned route of the pipeline passes through areas important for animal habitats, such as the Greifswald Bodden, which serves as a nursery for various marine species.
  4. Critics argue that the construction work, which involves the excavation of the seabed and the creation of a pipeline, could disrupt the migration patterns of animals like herring and harm sensitive marine ecosystems.
  5. The construction of the LNG pipeline in mecklenburg-vorpommern has raised concerns about potential environmental damage to local wildlife, particularly in the context of climate change and its impact on animal populations.
  6. Environmentally-conscious organizations are calling for a more comprehensive environmental impact assessment of the LNG pipeline construction in mecklenburg-vorpommern to ensure the protection of local animals and their habitats.




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