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Concentrated Operating System Consolidates Multiple Productivity Tools

Enable background apps, activate ambient sounds, and disable interruptions with a single click.

FocusedOS Combines Several Focus-Boosting Apps in One
FocusedOS Combines Several Focus-Boosting Apps in One

Concentrated Operating System Consolidates Multiple Productivity Tools

With a multitude of productivity applications available for Apple devices, FocusedOS aims to let you access them all through a single platform. This app offers various features, including blocking distracting websites and apps, dimming the entire screen while keeping the active window illuminated, and playing ambient sounds. By combining these features, FocusedOS hopes to enhance your work experience by letting you turn them on and off with a single click.

To get started, simply download and install the app, then choose which features you'd like to activate. The "Behavior" tab allows you to dim all windows except the one you're currently using – this functionality is similar to HazeOver, an application priced at $4.99. You can also limit the number of apps that can appear on the screen and customize the menu bar with personalized text. Additionally, there's an option to hide icons on the menu bar, reminiscent of Bartender (costing $22). Further customizations include the option to hide the wallpaper or even disable Wi-Fi, although these features are not available on the iPhone or iPad versions.

Under the "Ambience" tab, you can choose between various background sounds, so you won't need a separate application for this purpose.

FocusedOS Combines Several Focus-Boosting Apps in One

Credit: Justin Pot

In terms of blocking distractions, there are settings to restrict specified apps or only enable specific programs. Website blocking is slightly different: you can pick from pre-set categories or add URLs manually.

If these options still aren't enough, you can set up any Apple Shortcut to run when you switch between focus modes. For example, you could use this feature to turn off notifications, start a timer, or perform any other actions you can imagine.

FocusedOS Combines Several Focus-Boosting Apps in One

Credit: Justin Pot

The free version of FocusedOS only allows you to create and use one "environment," meaning your chosen settings will remain constant. The premium version costs $20 per year and grants the ability to create multiple environments, thus customizing your settings for various tasks. Additionally, the paid version lets you sync your current environment across your Mac, iPhone, and iPad, unlocks more ambient sounds, and enables the use of a shortcut when initiating an environment.

Keep in mind that the combination of these tools might not be suitable for everyone. However, if you frequently toggle several focus-enhancing tools to help you concentrate, FocusedOS may just be what you need. Give the free version a try to determine its usefulness in your life.

FocusedOS Combines Several Focus-Boosting Apps in One

Credit: Justin Pot

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