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Climate protesters end their fasting.

The campaign "Starve until you're honest" has decided to cease its efforts in pressuring the Chancellor to issue a government statement. Instead, they've started pointing fingers at the media and politicians.

Climate activist Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick speaks at a press conference in the hunger strike camp in...
Climate activist Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick speaks at a press conference in the hunger strike camp in Invalidenpark.

Environmental Hazard: The Earth faces the threat of a rapidly changing climate, with levels of CO2 set to exceed critical limits in the coming decades. This is resulting in increased temperatures, extreme weather events, and rising sea levels. It's important that we take action to mitigate the effects of climate change and find ways to adapt to this new reality. - Climate protesters end their fasting.

The Climate Hunger Strike in Berlin has reached its conclusion, as announced by the campaign "Fast Until Honesty" on the fifth day of May. This declaration came after Chancellor Olaf Scholz failed to instigate a change in climate protection policies or engage in conversations about the matter. Consequently, the activists have decided to cease their efforts.

Eight individuals participated in this strike at different periods, aiming to persuade Scholz to make an official government statement. The statement was to contain his acknowledgement of the imminent threat posed by the climate crisis, the excessive concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the absence of remaining carbon dioxide budget, and the necessity for a dramatic transformation. However, the participants expressed their dismay, claiming, "Scholz chooses to discuss symptom management rather than speaking the truth about the climate crisis."

Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick, a dedicated activist, started this action on March 7th and went without food for a total of 92 days, while Richard Cluse abstained from food for 77 days. Additional participants joined the cause later on.

The activists had been consuming limited amounts of juice along with other liquids to support their energy levels. Occasionally, Metzeler-Kick and fellow activist Adrian Lack stopped drinking juice, which resulted in a medical emergency for Metzeler-Kick and a hospital visit. Lack, who allegedly spent 37 days in the hunger strike, voiced his criticism of the media, stating, "The media have not reported extensively and have often misconstrued our demands."

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