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Climate Activists Disrupt Scholz's Appearance at Catholic Conference

At the German Catholic Day, a group of climate activists interrupted Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz's (SPD) appearance. They posed loud questions from the audience at the Erfurt Theater, unfurled a banner by the protest organization Letzte Generation and shouted, "Where, where, where is the...

Activists of the "Last Generation" hold up banners.
Activists of the "Last Generation" hold up banners.

Place of worship - Climate Activists Disrupt Scholz's Appearance at Catholic Conference

During a panel discussion in front of approximately 800 people, Scholz tried to convey his views on climate protection, but got overwhelmed. The moderator paused the event for a few moments. In response, the crowd sang "Lord, grant us peace." The turmoil died down, and the discussion resumed.

Link to informationLink to the program

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