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Cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate successfully completed

Almost three months after the paint attack by climate protection demonstrators on the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the cleaning work has been successfully completed. This week, the gate was inspected by experts and the cleaned condition was approved, said a spokeswoman for the responsible Berlin...

Cleaning work takes place on the Brandenburg Gate during a last-generation paint job.
Cleaning work takes place on the Brandenburg Gate during a last-generation paint job.

Climate protection protest - Cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate successfully completed

Almost three months after the paint attack by climate protection demonstrators on the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the cleaning work has been successfully completed. This week, the gate was inspected by experts and the cleaned condition was approved, said a spokeswoman for the responsible Berlin real estate management. The costs correspond to the previously estimated sum of 115,000 euros. The scaffolding erected for the cleaning will soon be dismantled. The "Berliner Morgenpost" had reported.

On September 17, the climate protection group Letzte Generation sprayed six pillars of the gate with orange paint. The police subsequently arrested 14 climate activists. An initial cleaning with hot water from high-pressure jets did not work. Further cleaning work began at the beginning of November. The damage caused by another paint attack was quickly repaired. The Senate emphasized that it would try to get the money for the cleaning back from the perpetrators.

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